Calcium Nitrate 15.5-0-0 Fertilizer 15.5-0-0 Frequently Asked Questions

The composition of Calcium Nitrate (Ca(NO3)2·4H2O) can be explained as follows:

1. Nitrogen (N): 15.5%
2. Calcium (Ca): 19%
3. Water of crystallization: Approximately 65.5%

The high water content is due to the compound's chemical formula:
- Ca(NO3)2·4H2O indicates four water molecules are bound to each calcium nitrate molecule.

This water, known as water of crystallization, is:
- An integral part of the crystal structure
- Not free water, but chemically bound within the compound
- Essential for maintaining the stability and properties of calcium nitrate

The presence of this water explains why calcium nitrate often appears as a crystalline solid rather than a dry powder. It also contributes to the compound's solubility, making it an effective water-soluble fertilizer.

Understanding this composition is important for proper use and storage of calcium nitrate fertilizer.

Yes, foliar application is an efficient way to use Calcium Nitrate. Here's how to apply it:

Foliar Application Guidelines:

1. Dilution Rate:
- 1 to 2 tablespoons of Calcium Nitrate per gallon of water

2. Coverage:
- 1 gallon of solution covers 100-200 sq.ft. of garden or 5-10 orchard trees

3. Frequency:
- Apply every 7 to 14 days
- Focus on critical growth stages or when nutrient deficiency signs appear

4. Application Method:
- Use a garden sprayer or spray bottle
- Ensure even coating on both upper and lower leaf surfaces

5. Best Practices:
- Apply in early morning or late evening to avoid rapid evaporation
- Don't spray on very hot days to prevent leaf burn
- Avoid application before expected rain

6. Safety:
- Wear protective gear (gloves, goggles) during application
- Keep pets and children away from the area during and shortly after spraying

Remember to adjust the concentration and frequency based on specific plant needs and environmental conditions. Always conduct a small test application first to ensure plant safety.

Yes, this Calcium Nitrate product is versatile and can be effectively used in potting mixes:

1. Solubility: It's 100% water-soluble, making it easy to apply in solution form.

2. Versatility: Suitable for various growing methods, not limited to hydroponics.

3. Application methods:
- Mix with water and apply as a soil drench
- Use in fertigation systems for potted plants
- Can be pre-mixed into potting soil before planting

4. Benefits for potting mixes:
- Provides readily available calcium and nitrogen
- Helps prevent blossom end rot in container-grown vegetables
- Supports overall plant health and growth in limited soil volumes

5. Usage tips:
- Start with a dilute solution and adjust concentration as needed
- Monitor plant response to avoid over-fertilization
- Consider the existing nutrient content of your potting mix

Yes, Calcium Nitrate is an excellent choice for preventing blossom end rot in tomatoes and cucumbers:

  • Calcium content: Contains 19% calcium, which is crucial for preventing this disorder.
  • Effectiveness: Directly addresses the primary cause of blossom end rot - calcium deficiency.
  • Quick absorption: Being water-soluble, it's readily available to plants.
  • Versatility: Can be applied as a foliar spray or soil drench.
  • Additional benefits: Also provides nitrogen (15.5%), supporting overall plant growth.

Application tips:

  • Begin applications early in the fruiting stage
  • Apply regularly throughout the growing season
  • Ensure consistent soil moisture to aid calcium uptake

Yes, Calcium Nitrate can be effectively used to feed orchids. Here's a guide for application:
General recommendation:

  • 2-4 tablespoons per gallon of water

Factors affecting application rate:

  • Quality of growing medium
    Orchid species and growth stage
  • Current nutrient levels

Application tips:

  • Start with a lower concentration and adjust as needed
  • Apply as a foliar spray or root drench
  • Use room temperature water for mixing

Typically every 2-4 weeks during active growth
Reduce frequency during dormant periods
Benefits for orchids:
Provides essential calcium for strong stems and roots
Nitrogen content supports overall growth and foliage
Monitor orchid response to avoid over-fertilization
Flush the growing medium periodically to prevent salt buildup

Always observe your orchids closely and adjust the feeding regimen based on their specific needs and growth patterns. For precise recommendations, consider factors like your local water quality and the orchid's growing conditions.

Application Rate: Dissolve 1 to 2 teaspoons of fertilizer per gallon of water in your hydroponic nutrient solution.

Frequency: Change the nutrient solution every 1 to 2 weeks or as needed, ensuring continuous availability of nutrients.

Method: Add the dissolved fertilizer to your hydroponic reservoir, maintaining the desired nutrient concentration for optimal plant growth.